The 10 video meeting stereotypes we all know and love

Video meetings have become a staple of our workdays, and with them, a cast of unforgettable characters has emerged. Whether it’s the colleague who’s always muted or the one whose pet is a regular guest star, these stereotypes bring a touch of humor to even the most mundane calls.

In this blog, we’re diving into the 10 most common video meeting personalities. Do you recognize yourself—or your teammates—in any of these? Let’s find out!


1 The Mute Master

"You're on mute... again."
They always start speaking while muted and require multiple reminders to unmute. Classic move!


2 The Snack Enthusiast

"Is that a full-course meal?"
This person treats every meeting like a dinner party—constant munching, crunching, or sipping included.


3 The Perpetual Latecomer

"Sorry, I had another meeting that ran over."
They join five minutes late every time, often with a long-winded excuse ready to go.


4 The Technical Glitch Magnet

"Can you hear me now? What about now?"
Their audio cuts out, video freezes, or they mysteriously drop off the call. Every. Single. Time.


5 The Background Star

"Is that your cat scaling the curtains?"
Their background always steals the show—be it pets, kids, or unintentional chaos.


6 The Over-Sharer

"Let me just share my screen... oops, wrong one."
They accidentally show their inbox, personal photos, or something else unrelated before finding the right screen to share.


7 The Silent Observer

"Are they even there?"

They join the meeting but never turn on their camera or mic. You sometimes forget they’re even on the call.


8 The Over-Talker

"One more thing before we move on..."
This person dominates every discussion and turns a 30-minute meeting into a marathon session.


9 The Multitasker

"Wait, sorry, what was the question?"
You can see them typing furiously, clearly working on something else during the meeting.


10 The Teams Fashionista

"Is that a blazer... with pajama pants?"
They look impeccable from the waist up but probably have slippers or sweatpants off-camera.


Whether you’re the Snack Enthusiast, the Multitasker, or the Mute Master, video meetings wouldn’t be the same without these quirky personalities. They remind us that, even in the most professional settings, a little humor goes a long way.


Which stereotype do you see yourself as—or spot most often? And hey, next time you’re on a call, maybe you’ll spot a new stereotype to add to the list!

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