The Dstny Amstel Gold Race Weekend

At Dstny, cycling is more than sponsoring the pro team, Lotto Dstny. It's also about promoting a work-life balance, wellness, and building connections with shared experiences. One of the highlights that truly showcases our dedication to cycling is the Amstel Gold Race weekend. 

As sponsors of the entire event, Dstny NL get a unique opportunity to invite our valued customers, partners, and colleagues. 100 guests was invited to ride a part of the course on Saturday. The day starts early with a VIP breakfast, followed by guests receiving a pro Lotto Dstny jersey, a bottle, and sports nutrition courtesy of our co-sponsor, Precision Fuel. After a group photo on the finish line, we cheer on our guests as they set out to ride through the picturesque Limburg region.
The sight of thousands of cyclists  – ranging from kids to seniors, families to friends  – enjoying the beautiful weather and scenery is really something special. Locals line the roads, cheering, barbecuing, and enjoying the spectacle as the long train of cyclists pass by. With 15,000 participants, the event transforms the Dutch countryside into a cycling heaven, ending up in a grand finish greeted by cheers and cold Amstel beer.
Sunday's pro races is the main event of the weekend. The intensity, with breakaways and dramatic moments, is why the race has become legendary in the sport. The last climb, the Cauberg, is a nightmare even on foot, seeing the riders fly up is jaw dropping. In the VIP we're glued to the screens, following the race. When the riders pass by, everyone rushes to the terrace to witness the action firsthand.
The day is filled with great food, drinks and conversation with interesting people, making time fly by almost as fast as the cyclists. And when the race is over, the real party begins  – but that's a story for another blog post.
The Amstel Gold race weekend shows the spirit of cycling that Dstny loves. It's not just about seeing our logo on jerseys during the Tour de France or the classics, although that visibility is great. The true value lies in the shared experiences and connections created during these events.
A special shoutout to the Dstny NL team, the teamwork and camaraderie elevate the whole weekend. They embody the spirit of Dstny's commitment to cycling and community, making events like these truly memorable. This weekend serves as a perfect example of what Dstny aims to achieve through the sponsorships a blend of passion, teamwork, and shared experiences that enrich our lives and those of our community.

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