The 3 stages of becoming an Operator Connect partner

In recent years we have seen Teams reaching record numbers of active users as it continues to dominate the UC industry. With its giant userbase in mind Microsoft is making clear inroads into voice with Microsoft Teams Operator Connect. Operator Connect providers see a number of benefits. They obtain the powerful brand association that comes with the Microsoft name and get seen alongside their competition within the Teams admin center. In short, providers can become a direct part of Microsoft’s growing success. Being part of the Operator Connect marketplace opens up your offering to over 280M end users, with this figure growing by an estimated 3M users per month. But with 46 carriers already enabled competition for these benefits is growing. And rightly so, estimates show that Operator Connect will grow to 17M+ endpoints by 2026.

As Microsoft grows and makes moves into the voice market, you may be considering how you can become a part of their Operator Connect program. Fortunately, there is a set process for carriers to become a part of Operator Connect. Often though it is neither quick nor easy for even the most established carriers to become a self-built Operator Connect provider. But fret not, there are companies that can assist you as part of the Operator Connect Accelerator program.

Working with Carrier Automate, in partnership with Rbbn, can cut the time to market for excelling as an Operator Connect provider from 6-18 months+ to as little as 30 days.

So what are the phases of Operator Connect success? How can Carrier Automate help you with each step?

Here you will learn:

What you need to do before onboarding to Microsoft Teams Operator Connect

There are two steps that operators must take before they can begin onboarding to Microsoft Teams Operator Connect. Operators must first fill in a nomination form and then complete a pre-qualification attestation. The all-important pre-qualification attestation includes 60 questions. As well as technical makeup you will also need to provide information that demonstrates you are commercially ready, your go-to-market strategy. Read more

What you need to do whilst getting your Operator Connect offering ready for go-to-market

Whilst there is no enforced time limit once you have made it past the registration stage for Teams Operator Connect, the faster you can make it to market the better.

Caution here is advised, as a self-built approach to Operator Connect can require significant cost, time and developmental resources. Even if you have a technology stack in place, you will almost certainly need to make big adjustments to configure Microsoft Teams Operator Connect.

Don’t forget, onboarding to Teams is not just about your established technologies. There are a lot of considerations to plan for. Read more

What you can do after joining the Operator Connect marketplace

After you have established yourself as part of the marketplace, continuing to provide an excellent product is paramount. It takes time and effort to set up Microsoft Teams Operator Connect, even with the help of an Accelerator partner. Microsoft Teams Operator Connect is an invaluable new route to market. So it is important to ensure you are optimizing any leads generated. You would not want to miss the opportunity for retaining customers, equally, you would want to seize the chance to gain new customers, growing your customer base with the growth of Teams. Read more

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