Jonas Klang is 46 years old, has 2 kids, and lives in Mölnycke, Sweden. He loves running, shoes, ties, while also being engaged in his kids different sports activities. He has a background in finance from university and has worked a lot within customer service, sales and finance. During the last 8 years he has held leading HR positions in different companies, both in smaller companies but even up to 1500 employees. Today he is Head of People & Culture at Dstny. So what does that mean and what motivates him?

Why did you decide to continue your career with Dstny?
I thought it to be an interesting company with an equally interesting journey and opportunities ahead. When I got an offer to take part of Dstnys journey and affect the company’s future in regards employee issues, I felt that this was exactly the place to be and continue my own journey.
What does your role as Head of People & Culture entail?
I work a lot with strengthening our leadership because I believe that in turn leads to a strong coworker culture. For me it’s important that everyone can reach their full potential and feel that they become their best versions. I also work a lot with change questions. Change is something that is constant and paramount to make sure that we always are ready for the next development journey. It requires clear communication and a great feedback culture, questions that I work with daily.
What does a typical workday look like?
Well, a normal workday starts with getting up att 05.00 and working out for an hour, then I go through my emails, and by then the family is up and that takes some focus. Thereafter it’s full speed ahead all day with meetings, meeting colleagues in the organisation and hearing people out. For me, our employees is the most important. My role requires me to be available always and stay updated on how we are feeling in the company.
What motivates you at work?
I meet a lot of colleagues and have many discussions throughout the day. It gives me energy and it’s also the most fun. Seeing colleagues find joy and development in their work motivates me.
How would you describe Dstnys company culture?
Dstny is an entrepreneurial company, where all coworkers can take part and help push the company forward. I would describe it as prestigeless, where a lot of joy takes place. We plan fun activities and celebrate when things are going well together, all from a breakfast to an afterwork. We also have employee benefits such as budget for personal development to ensure that coworkers can take their competence to the next level.
What employee issue trends do you see in 2022?
Primarily remote leadership and what is required to succeed with a hybrid work model. Leading remotely requires regular check-ins more often, while we simultaneously need to provide coworkers with the right technology and prerequisites to succeed. I also see a lot of focus on well-being and engagement. How we measure it best and make coworkers feel involved, while also taking action on their opinions and wishes.
What tips would you give to Dstny newcomers?
Meet all the colleagues, take place and have your voice heard. Dstny is a company where you can influence.
Lastly…. 3 quick questions!
Morning- or evening workout? Morning! Going for a run or a bike ride.
Ski trip or vacation on the beach? Both, can’t choose. I also enjoy a weekend trip to a big city.
Slack or Teams? Teams